Key Policies in a Care Setting
Key Policies in a Care Setting
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Care and Support
- Advance care planning for care homes policy
- Advocacy policy
- Cold weather risks in the care sector
- Care and support plans
- Care plan audit tool
- Care and support plan template
- Continence care in care homes
- Effective communication
- Escorting and supporting residents outside the care home
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Community links and social inclusion policy
- Consent to care and treatment policy
- Death of a service user policy
- Dementia risk assessment form
- Discharge from a care home
- End of life care policy
- Gender related care policy
- Human rights and Deprivation of Liberty
- Hydration in residential care policy
- Intimate personal care and contact policy
- Involving service users in their care policy
- Managing service users emergencies
- Mental capacity policy
- Meeting communication needs
- Needs assessment
- Nutrition in residential care policy
- Oral health in care homes policy
- Oral health assessment form
- Monthly oral care monitoring record
- Personal and sexual relationships policy
- Personal care
- Positive risk taking for service users
- Providing culturally appropriate care
- Promoting and supporting social contacts, relationships and activities in care homes
- Principles of good care
- Social contact policy
- Employees factsheet- social lives of service users
- Employers factsheet- social lives of service users
- Self administration of medication policy
- Shared accommodation policy
- Social lives of service users
- Smoking in residential care policy
- Referrals and admissions policy
- Risk assessment form- service users suicide
- Autism policy
- Learning disabilities policy
- Moving from a care home policy
Staff and Employment
- Absence management
- Agency workers policy
- Alcohol and drug use- employees and contractors
- Anti bribery policy
- Annual holidays policy
- Bullying policy
- Code of conduct policy
- Disciplinary and dismissal process policy
- Dress code
- Employing people from outside of the UK policy
- Employees religion and belief observance policy
- Equal opportunities policy
- Family leave policy
- Fixed term contracts policy
- Giving and receiving references policy
- Grievances policy
- Health checks and medical reports policy
- International recruitment- employer factsheet
- International recruitment- employee factsheet
- Keeping staff safe from aggressive behaviour and violence
- Maternity policy
- Medical reports policy
- Job descriptions and person specification policy
- Lone working care homes policy
- Mental health at work in adult social care policy
- National data opt out policy
- Paternity leave policy
- Personal development policy
- Public holidays policy
- Racial harassment policy
- Recruitment and selection procedures social care
- Redundancy policy
- Referring employees to disclosure and barring service policy
- Right to work checks
- Volunteers and internships policy
- Induction programmes policy
- Professional boundaries policy
- Voluntary redundancy
- Sickness and absence policy
- Staff supervision and appraisal
- Staff deployment and retention policy
- Staff training and qualifications
- Staff vaccinations and immunisations policy
- Staffing levels and rotas policy
- Staff development, training and qualifications policy
- Workplace mediation policy
- Verification of Expected Death policy
Health and Safety
- Adaptations and equipment policy
- Accident reporting in residential care policy
- COSHH for social care providers
- Contingency planning for lift breakdown in care homes
- Fire safety procedures
- First aid for care providers
- Health and safety policy
- Health and safety in residential care policy
- Health and safety risk assessment policy
- Health and safety training policy
- Heating, lighting, water and ventilation policy
- Immunisation of service users policy
- Keeping staff safe from disrespectful behaviour and abuse
- Moving, handling and transferring service users
- Moving and handling bariatric or plus size service users
- Personal safety policy
- Premises maintenance policy
- Outcome 11: Safety, availability and suitability of equipment
- Premises security policy
- Wheelchairs policy
- Winter weather policy
- Water supply in care homes policy
- Safety and suitability of care home premises
- Serious incident reporting policy
- Sharps policy
- Alcohol and drug use- service users, relatives and visitors
- Complaints and compliments
- Challenging behaviour, violence and aggression policy
- Cyberbullying policy
- Liberty Protection Safeguards
- Protecting service users who lack mental capacity to take decisions
- Safeguarding service users at risk of harm including restraints, physical controls and restrictive practice
- Safeguarding children visiting or living in care homes policy
- Safeguarding vulnerable service users: financial abuse, gifts and legacies policy
- Safeguarding service users who are at significant risk of self harm and suicide policy
- Safeguarding service users who are vulnerable to adopting extremist and radical ideologies policy
- Sex, intimacy and dementia in care homes
- Regulation 11: Need for Consent policy
- Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment
- Whistleblowing policy
Infection Prevention and Control
- Cleaning in care homes policy
- Decontamination, disinfection and sterilisation policy
- Food safety and hygiene in residential care policy
- Handwashing
- Infection control management
- Infection control and cleanliness of laundry and linen policy
- Infection control and cleanliness in residential care policy
- Infection control and cleanliness: invasive devices policy
- Infection prevention and control procedures
- Infection outbreak management policy
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Safe use and care of reusable medical equipment and devices policy
- Infection control and cleanliness of single use devices policy
- Isolation of services users with infectious illnesses policy
- Specimens policy
- Spillages of blood or bodily fluids policy
Health care
- Aseptic techniques policy
- Basic life support, resuscitation and DNACPR policy
- Catheter care in residential settings
- Clinical governance in care and nursing homes policy
- Medicines errors: identifying, reporting and reviewing medicines policy
- Healthcare associated infections policy
- Healthcare and clinical procedures policy
- Health promotion in care homes policy
- Immunisation of service users policy
- Pain management
- Promoting the welfare of people who use services policy
- Promoting wellbeing and responding to mental health issues
Governance and Management
- Autonomy policy
- Commitment and upholding Human Rights policy
- Contracts and statements terms and conditions policy
- Emergency planning policy
- Good governance and organisational structure policy
- Grounds maintenance
- Information provision for prospective service users policy
- Privacy and dignity policy
- Statement of purpose
- Quality assurance policy
Records Management and Data Protection
- Accessing service user records policy
- Accessible information policy
- Applications for access to deceased service users care records policy
- Computer security policy
- Confidentiality policy
- Data protection policy
- Data protection and GDPR policy
- Record keeping policy
- Sharing information with other providers and agencies policy