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About us

West Sussex Partners in Care is the leading Care Association for providers in West Sussex

WSPiC was initially formed as the West Sussex Forum, in the early 2000’s. In 2014 we re-branded as West Sussex Partners in Care, a not for profit organisation that will work in partnership with our key stakeholders including Care Providers, West Sussex County Council and CCGs.

We represent all independent providers of care in West Sussex, knowing that the pressures faced by the care industry can be alleviated through co-working to achieve collective aims.

As providers themselves, the Board of Directors understand that we face common challenges such as regulatory requirements in allocation of resources, investment to improve services, training and recruitment. At the same time we face common cost pressures; HR issues and other similar themes faced by business people and entrepreneurs nationwide.

Our Strategic Priorities

One of our strategic priorities is to improve care provider Workforce Development across the county. We champion those that take the time to improve themselves at our annual Care Accolades Awards, and work hand in hand with West Sussex County Council’s (WSCC) learning and development team to shape the training offer that they provide to external care providers of all shapes and sizes.

Another is to continually Advise, Inform and Influence to achieve our overall aim: excellence in care for all. We aim to make partnership with members and other stake-holders work based on transparency, knowledge, understanding and mutual respect and support to the benefit of all. We are members of the Care Association Alliance, enabling us to raise topics at a national level on behalf of our members. The Board attend many meetings representing providers in West Sussex including the Safeguarding Adults Board, The CQC Trade Association meetings and more.

We aim to share information pertinent to the sector and have evolved to do this in many ways; from our weekly email newsletter to social media and our website, which we are developing to be a resource rich source of up to date information. Recently we have been able to support providers by providing template policies and procedures relating to the Data Security and Protection Toolkit, and a guide to using agencies in social care produced by industry experts.

See our full Strategic Plan 2024-2027


Although all West Sussex care providers are part of WSPiC, we encourage organisations to sign up as a WSPiC Premium Member – as a collective, we are better placed to communicate with our commissioners; to influence the policy makers and the better informed we are the more influential we are likely to be.

Our aim is in supporting those in the business of care. In bringing together a wide range of independent providers of care, we have an opportunity to share experiences, knowledge and skills which come from leading such companies.


Often working with our colleagues in East Sussex, we run and support projects that make a real difference to the sector. Currently, we are supporting managers with our wellbeing project, SCARRF, offering 1-1 and group support to Registered Managers of social care services. Read more here. We are also supporting the Sussex Digital In Reach Team, supporting providers with their digitalisation and offering training and support opportunities to services when they need it. You can read more about the project here.

Meet the board

Rosemary Pavoni | Chair

Dr Tom Jameson | Deputy Chair

Asim Chaudhary | Financial Director

Jacey Lund | Director

Sophie Hare | Director

Kevin Humphrys | Director

Helen Hancorn | Director

Kristen Deely | Director

Denise Smith | Development Manager